Inner Health Spa & Associates LLC
Your Top To Bottom Health Starts Here.
1733 South 5th Street in Springfield, IL - 217.622.3349
All services are by appointment only
Hours and days will vary

Inner Health Spa
& Associates
Friendly and Knowledgeable
High Quality Standard of Service
Fair Prices
Springfield Native Owned
Inner Health Spa sold to Inner Health Spa & Associates at the close of business on October 31, 2024.
It will be a rental business, instead of having employees. Though the name is changing, somethings will stay the same but somethings are going to change.
Let us start with what will not change:
1. I, Michelle, am still offering massage services, reflexology, body treatments, saunas, ion foot baths, and colonics.
2. Shay is renting his room and will be offering massage services, body treatments, ion foot baths and saunas.
3.The waiting room, bath bar and retail will all stay the same.
We no longer have a receptionist. Our main line, 217-572-1611, is no longer working. My number is 217.622.3349.
Since we don’t have a receptionist, the door we always be locked. By the purple entrance door, there will be an intercom box with a button. Push the button and it will let us know you have arrived and we will buzz you in. The door will automatically lock behind you when you leave.
1. If you want to purchase retail and don’t have an appointment, just call one of us the day of and we will find a good time for you to come in and make your purchase.
2. Gift cards from Inner Health Spa, gift card left overs, and prepaid services will still be honored from the dates January 1, 2023 till October 1, 2024. I am going to personally honor them till May 31, 2025.
If anyone has any questions, comments, concerns, or complaints please email me at innerhealthspaassociates@outlook.com
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